If your cat is not drinking enough water, there are several ways to help them. It’s important for cats to stay hydrated, particularly in the summer months, as hydration helps support the digestive system and bladder. If your cat has any signs of dehydration, it’s a good idea to take them to the veterinarian for a urinalysis and bloodwork.
A healthy, happy cat should be able to drink a minimum of one cup of water per day. Depending on the cat’s size, the amount of water they need may be different. If your cat drinks too little, it can become dehydrated, causing them to be lethargic and not get the energy they need. A dehydrated cat may also develop bladder stones. To determine how much water your cat needs, you can use the water content of the dry food your cat is eating. For example, canned food has more moisture than dry food.
Cats are very sensitive to the water they drink, so it’s a good idea to make sure the water is clean. Using filtered water is safer for your cat and will keep it fresher longer. Another option is a filtered water fountain. These come with a UV light that keeps the water fresh. You can also clean the filters regularly to ensure your cat is not drinking contaminated water.
Increasing the number of bowls your cat has is a great way to encourage them to drink. Some cats do better with separate water and food bowls, so it’s best to experiment with different locations and see which works best for your pet.
You can also try adding some tuna juice or chicken broth to your cat’s water. This can help increase the water content of the food and make it more palatable for your cat. You can also add ice cubes to the water to help your cat keep it cool. However, be careful not to overdo it and give your cat too many of these.
If you’ve tried everything to get your cat to drink more water and you haven’t succeeded, it might be time to visit your vet. If your cat has increased urination and decreased appetite, it could have a serious medical issue. Your veterinarian will be able to run a urinalysis and bloodwork to determine what is causing the changes. They can administer fluids intravenously if necessary.
If your cat is dehydrated, it may exhibit physical activity and have cherry red gums. This indicates moderate to severe dehydration. If your cat has a lot of these signs, it may be a sign of kidney disease. Seeing a veterinarian immediately is a good idea, so that your pet can be diagnosed and treated. A vet can also suggest ways to make sure your cat is getting enough water.
A water fountain can be a fun, interactive way to get your cat interested in drinking. Some cats enjoy running through a fountain. But be careful to clean it regularly to avoid bacteria.