What is Bordetella and Why Should My Dog Be Vaccinated Against It?

What is Bordetella and why does my dog need to be vaccinated for it

If you’ve ever wondered what the heck Bordetella is, or why you should have your dog vaccinated against it, you’ve come to the right place. This article will walk you through all of the important information you need to know. From the types of vaccinations, to the legal requirements, to the side effects that can occur after a vaccination, you’ll be well informed about what your dog needs to protect it from this disease.

Intranasal spray

The Bordetella intranasal spray vaccine is designed to protect dogs against kennel cough. This type of disease is commonly caused by the bacterium Bordetella bronchiseptica. There are many ways that the disease can be transmitted.

Dogs are exposed to the bacteria through direct contact, air, and airborne droplets. If the bacteria enters the lungs, the ciliated respiratory epithelium adheres to the cell surface, blocking secretory processes and reducing the ability of the cilia to function. It also causes nasal inflammation and conductive anosmias. Symptoms include discharge, pain, and redness.

A Bordetella intranasal vaccine has been used for over 30 years in veterinary practices. However, some veterinarians do not believe that the vaccine is necessary. Rather, they consider it a non-core vaccination, and it is not effective against all cases of kennel cough.

Several studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of the intranasal and oral versions of the vaccine. Results from the first study suggest that the intranasal version may be safer, but it has a higher likelihood of causing diminished olfactory capabilities.


Getting a Bordetella injection in your dog is not a pleasant experience. If your dog is not feeling well, or has a cough, it can be a good idea to visit the vet for a checkup. In most cases, this is not an emergency, but you should be aware of what to expect.

The Bordetella shot can be given orally, subcutaneously, or in the nose. Typically, the oral vaccine is more effective than the intranasal version, but it can also cause side effects.

One of the most common side effects of the Bordetella vaccine is a mild fever. This is most likely due to the skin irritation caused by the vaccination. Other common side effects include redness, swelling, and hives. Thankfully, most dogs do well with the vaccination.

While most dogs do not experience any major side effects, the Bordetella vaccine can also cause some very interesting and sometimes life-threatening ones. For example, a rare allergic reaction may cause a collapse. You can find out more about this and other common reactions to vaccinations by consulting your veterinarian.

Side effects after vaccination

There are some benefits of the Bordetella vaccine, but you may also experience side effects. The good news is that the side effects are generally minor and short-lived.

One of the most common Bordetella vaccination side effects is a mild fever. While a fever is usually benign, it can lead to other more serious problems. If your dog has a fever, it’s important to get him checked by a veterinarian.

Another side effect of the vaccine is skin irritation, which can be painful. Some dogs may also experience low grade fever.

The more serious side effect of the vaccine is an allergic reaction. This reaction is rare, but it can have a dramatic impact on a pet’s health. It can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and hives.

Other signs of infection include pain and discharge. A dog with a Bordetella infection may also experience a loss of appetite. In the event of a severe allergic reaction, the symptoms can be life-threatening.

Legal requirements

If you have a dog, you’ll need to understand the legal requirements for Bordetella vaccination for dogs. Not only will this reduce your chances of contracting the disease, but it’ll also protect your puppy.

Most veterinary facilities require proof of a Bordetella vaccination before your dog can enter the facility. This is particularly true if you plan to visit dog parks, daycare, or boarding facilities. Without this vaccination, you will be denied entrance into these venues.

In addition to protecting your dog from kennel cough, a Bordetella vaccination can help prevent other infectious diseases. It’s recommended that you have your pet vaccinated at least once each year.

There are two main types of vaccines available for dogs: injectable and intranasal. The intranasal version of the vaccine is administered as liquid nose drops, and the injectable is a subcutaneous injection.

The vaccine is used to stimulate the immune system so that it is prepared for an actual disease. While it’s generally safe and effective, it’s also associated with the highest risk of adverse reactions.