What Are Hookworms and Why Does My Cat Need to Be Vaccinated For Them?

Hookworms are intestinal parasites that can be very harmful to pets. A single worm can cause anemia, and severe infestations can be extremely debilitating. But there are steps you can take to reduce your cat’s risk of getting hookworms. The first step is knowing what they are and how to identify them.

Hookworms are small, 1/8-inch long worms that live in the gut of dogs and cats. They feed on blood and tissue fluids of the host. These worms are commonly passed through fecal matter. Kittens are most susceptible to hookworms.

Affected cats can develop anemia, which can lead to poorer health and an even worse prognosis. When a cat becomes severely dehydrated, it can require a blood transfusion. In addition, cats with hookworms may experience weight loss. Their appetite can also decrease. Some cats may need to be hospitalized.

If your cat has a hookworm infection, your veterinarian can tell you what to do. Your veterinarian can also diagnose the infection by examining a stool sample under a microscope. Often, a doctor will perform fecal flotation to help detect the presence of hookworms.

Fecal flotation involves collecting a poop sample from your cat and mixing it with a special solution. The resulting liquid solution makes the hookworm eggs more visible. This solution will also make it easier for your vet to see the hookworms, which are usually tiny. After the stool has been mixed, it is re-examined under the microscope.

Most hookworms are found in warm, moist environments. Cats can contract hookworms by ingestion of infected feces, drinking infected water, or by skin contact. Once ingested, the larvae enter the cat’s body, burrow into its skin, and migrate to the lungs and trachea. Adult worms are about 1/2-inch long.

Hookworms can be prevented with frequent deworming. A regular regimen can keep your cat free from worms. However, severe cases of hookworm infestation can be deadly. To prevent a hookworm infection, you must wash your hands thoroughly after handling your cat’s feces and keep your surroundings clean.

To diagnose your cat’s infection, your veterinarian will take a stool sample. Depending on the results, your vet will order lab tests. Lab tests include a complete blood count (CBC), urinalysis, and kidney function. During this test, your veterinarian will look for low hemoglobin and low kidney function. He or she will then prescribe a treatment for your cat. Depending on your cat’s age and the type of worms, your veterinarian may recommend a combination of medications.

Because hookworms can be very harmful to cats, it is important to treat your cat immediately. Getting the worms under control can ensure that your cat can survive and heal. While hookworms are not common, they are one of the most dangerous worms to infect your pet. It is critical to recognize their symptoms, treat them early, and follow your veterinarian’s advice.

To prevent hookworms, you should clean your cat’s litter box as often as possible. You should also protect your pet from a number of worm carriers, including rodents and cockroaches.