What Are Roundworms and Why Does My Cat Need to Be Vaccinated For Them?

What are roundworms and why does my cat need to be vaccinated for them

Roundworms are an intestinal parasite that causes significant illness in cats. It is important to know the symptoms and treatments so that you can keep your pet healthy.

Infected pets often experience gastrointestinal problems, including loss of appetite, coughing, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. These parasites may cause the cat to lose weight, and can also cause damage to the lining of the intestine. If your cat is suffering from a roundworm infection, you should consult with your veterinarian. You can also prevent future infections with a regular parasite prevention plan.

The first step in preventing a roundworm infection is to keep your cat indoors. This is especially true for kittens. They can acquire roundworms from infected rodents and other pets. Also, they can contract the infection through contact with soil.

Another way cats can acquire roundworms is by ingesting eggs or larvae of another animal. Some animals that can be infected with roundworms include voles, foxes, and dogs. However, most animals that contract the parasite are kittens and cats.

If your cat ingests roundworms, it can be very difficult to treat. There are medications that can be used to treat the worms. These medications target the different stages of the roundworm life cycle, including the eggs, the larvae, and the adult worms. Depending on the species of the parasite, the medication will need to be repeated on a regular basis. Adult cats can be treated once or twice a year, and puppies can be treated as needed.

Roundworms can be diagnosed by performing a fecal exam. During the examination, a veterinarian will look for roundworm eggs that are present in the cat’s feces. Depending on the worms found, the diagnosis may be relatively straightforward. Your veterinarian will determine the type of worm, and prescribe a treatment plan. Whether you use a topical or liquid medicine, you will need to give your cat a dose every week or month.

Aside from a regular parasite prevention plan, you should also ensure that your cat is vaccinated for roundworms. The vaccines for these parasites are available on the market, and your veterinarian will be able to provide you with information on which is best for your pet.

Roundworms are highly contagious, and can spread to humans and other pets if they are accidentally ingested. Adults with small numbers of worms may not have any clinical signs of infection, while larger quantities of roundworms can lead to serious illnesses. Kittens are at risk for severe organ disorders and even death, as roundworms can damage the intestinal lining and cause bleeding and dehydration.

Roundworms in cats are a very common intestinal parasite. Their eggs are small, and can be found mixed in the feces of infected cats. They can be a bit hard to see, so it is important to have your veterinarian examine the feces for the presence of roundworm eggs.

Once your veterinarian confirms that your pet is infected with roundworms, you can begin to treat the parasite. Fortunately, treating this infestation is not expensive.